Our Lady’s is a Faith Community within the Parish of Craigieburn and Roxburgh Park.
We provide our students with a range of faith and life experiences, and Religious Education is seen as a focal point in the school curriculum. We aim to educate the children in the basic beliefs and practices of the Catholic Faith, as well as instruction and preparation for children and parents for the reception of the Sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation.
Children will celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and make their First Reconciliation in Year Three. After their First Reconciliation, parents are encouraged to take their children to the local Parish Reconciliation celebrations, particularly during Lent and Advent.
In Year 4, children will receive their First Eucharist at a Parish Celebration. Families are encouraged to participate in the Sacramental preparation program by becoming involved in Parish life to help to create greater meaning and understanding of the sacrament to their children.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in Year Six. Students explore what it means to be a confirmed Catholic, and how they are called to use their gifts and talents to make a difference in our world, both locally and globally. The students are challenged to become more aware of the Social Justice issues in their local and global communities.

Whole School Masses are celebrated during the year and focus on different themes and Feast Days. Parents are welcome to attend all school liturgies. Information regarding class and whole school masses will be advertised in the School Community section of this Website, and in the Newsletter via Skoolbag.
Never a need without doing something about it.
St Mary MacKillop
Social Justice and the Catholic Social Justice teachings are a major focus in our school.
Year 6 students are invited to apply to join the Social Justice Leaders group. The students are involved in helping in many different ways, and they are required to organise timetables, speak publicly at events etc…